Press Pause
Everywhere we turn, we are forced to figure out new ways of doing things. And, we are seeing both sides of the human reaction spectrum. From those that turn in on themselves and find only despair to those that want to innovate our way out of this. For us, at The Conversations That Matter, we are looking to create content to guide you in our new working norms, but before we get there, we just want to press pause.
Let’s just take a minute.
And check in.
More than anything, what we all need right now is connection.
Psychologists tell us that storytelling is a tool that helps us heal. When we share our stories and listen to others, we are able to then shift to what’s next. During this time of global craziness, perhaps we all need to 1. Stop, 2. Connect with others and 3. Share the stories about how this is affecting us. BEFORE we jump to fixing things and providing solutions, let’s just press pause.
How is Coronavirus affected you, your family and your work right now?