Manager Essentials Program Registraton

Tools to Navigate the Manager Journey

Date & Location TBD

Manager Essentials Program

Date: TBD
Location: TBD

PRICE: $2,295
 $1,995 (before TBD)

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Meet the Instructors

Sr Facilitator & Leadership Coach Ava Goepfert

Ava Goepfert

Sr Facilitator & Leadership Coach
Ava Goepfert is an expert in studying and teaching Interpersonal Relationship Skills. As faculty at Colorado State University and Gustavus, Ava connected theory to application and brought the people dynamic alive during her classes. Attuned to the senses and skills people need to excel and transform, Ava will guide you with a calm, certainty and reassurance to lead in a whole new way. And, you’ll have a ton of fun along the way as Ava weaves a human approach to the reality of the client's needs and how each person can design their new identity, their new future.
Master Facilitator, Tammy Krings

Tammy Krings

CEO / Master Facilitator & Coach
Tammy Krings has been studying people all of her life. With an early curiosity for human dynamics, she has built a business helping Leaders and Team experience Workplace Transformation. As a Master Certified Leadership Coach, Tammy has built programs for sustainable change that are matched to the businesses greatest growth needs. Known for her ability to build trust quickly, Tammy accelerates the learning and connection with everyone in her programs.
Need something specific?
We'll build it!

Our team has the knowledge, skill, and expertise to build custom leader and team development tools and workshops just for you. The process is fun and rewarding; and the results are amazing!