Click here to listen to my podcast —-> “Human Beings, Not Human Doings” – https://soundcloud.com/christiansincommerce/human-beings-not-human-doings
For anyone who’s ever been in one of our group facilitated sessions, you know that what we do in the classroom has a very distinct and unique undertone. I firmly believe that we are all called here to love, witness, guide and hold space for each other in order to discover more about who we are and who we can be for others. Bringing this to light during our team and leadership programs is by no accident. Recently I was asked to record a podcast to talk about “what I’m observing in the workplace”– how I see Leadership emerging today, holding space for others and living out our Faith at Work. In this podcast, I talk about the importance of a personalized morning routine, connecting your faith to your leadership and living in excellence for each other. We have the opportunity to be more impactful than we may ever know. As leaders, it’s our responsibility to acknowledge the humanness in each of one of us and to recognize our significance by being more of who we are in order to give others permission to be more of who they are and desire to be. Listen, Share and Live.– Tammy