Kicking Off the New Year with a Connected Team and Embracing Change
Embracing Connection and Change: A New Year’s Journey with Everything DiSC
As we step into this new year, it’s filled with the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings. It’s a time to reflect, reset, and reconnect. For me, the turn of the year is always a moment of introspection and anticipation, an opportunity to embrace both the known and the unknown with equal fervor.
One of the most beautiful aspects of this time of year is the chance it gives us to strengthen our connections with those around us, particularly within our teams. Since we’ve been teaching Everything DiSC principles for over 20 years, it’s an automatic lens we use to see how we can connect better, pause more, and genuinely find a common ground to connect. Below are several strategies for how to leverage the Everything DiSC model to build, connect, trust, and prepare for change.
The Power of Understanding
Everything DiSC has always been a cornerstone of my approach to building stronger, more cohesive teams. It’s a tool that promotes understanding and empathy, essential components in any team, especially in times of change. As we navigate the uncertainties and opportunities this new year brings, understanding each other’s DiSC styles is more crucial than ever.
Adapting to Change with DiSC Styles
Change, as we all know, is the only constant. But how we respond to it can vary dramatically from person to person. Some of us, like the ‘D’ styles, may approach change with assertiveness and innovation. ‘i’ styles might see change as an opportunity for collaboration and creativity. The ‘S’ styles bring stability and thoughtfulness to transitions, while the ‘C’ styles offer meticulous attention to detail and quality.
Recognizing these diverse approaches to change within our teams allows us to leverage our collective strengths. It helps in crafting a strategy for the new year that’s inclusive, resilient, and dynamic.
Creating a Connected Team in the Face of Change
This new year, let’s focus on deepening our team connections. Let’s use the insights from Everything DiSC to understand not just our styles, but also the styles of our teammates. It’s about seeing the world through their eyes, appreciating their perspectives, and working together in a way that honors our collective diversity.
A New Year’s Resolution
My resolution for this year is to foster an environment where every team member feels seen, heard, and valued. An environment where the diversity of DiSC styles isn’t just acknowledged but celebrated. As we embark on this year’s journey, I invite you to join me in this promise. Let’s create a space where change is not just something we navigate, but something we harness to build a more connected, dynamic, and thriving team.
Here’s to a year of growth, understanding, and deeply connected teams.
Let’s make it a year to remember!