Inside my word of the Year 2024
That’s just the way it is…what you focus on becomes reality and becomes you.
After creating a word of the year for the last 15 years, I’ve come to realize that it’s this anchor that keeps me centered when my world is frantic.
It’s my reminder of who I want to be and who I want to become.
And, it allows me to ground myself and remind myself where I most want to grow. now,
I realize Word of the Year is not for everyone. We have many options for how we want to restart, refresh, and reset for the flip of the calendar. But if you’re like me, it’s the one way of being that can create the shift and help you become more of who you are meant to be.
So…my word for 2024 is ALIVE.
I’m not exactly sure what that means for me yet, but I’m ready to explore and be present for whatever shows up. I’m hoping to be more ALIVE, to come alive in my pursuits in my personal life, in running the business, and in building new content.
I also want my spirit to come alive in a way that I don’t censor or I don’t second judge who I am showing up as and just be me.
It’s more about the state of being alive fully in my mindset in my choices and how I want to be in the world.
And, for some reason, the last several years have prompted a second word of the year for me and this one will certainly cause me to do more rather than be more. It’s ORGANIZE. I’m imagining better organization throughout my life: in the business, with my team, with material things around my house, in my daily life, and in the pursuit of eliminating the searching, seeking, remembering, and trying to find that one thing because I’m not organized. It also comes at a time when my life is a bit more full with a need to organize for teenage daughters who are exploring colleges and all the things that go into launching your child away from the nest.
I’m excited to see where this one takes me.
I’ve already cleaned out my closet and sent my old client files away with deep gratitude for the work and creativity regenerated.
And, I’m excited to welcome in the new work and the new clients because I have organized and made space for them (a yearly practice for me). I’ve already tackled my email inbox and I’m excited to see what a new level of organization will do for my creativity and my hurried state throughout the work day.
I’m curious, what is your word of the year? Or, your anchor for how you want to be and who you want to become? Or, your goal for what you want more of in your life as we are each on our path to becoming our best versions of ourselves.
Here’s cheering each other on as we live out our best life!