
Leadership Insights

Wiley's Everything DiSC Agile EQ Effort Meter

Harnessing Emotional Agility with Wiley’s Agile EQ on Catalyst: Understanding the Effort Meter

In today's rapidly evolving workplace, emotional intelligence (EQ) has emerged as a critical skill set for navigating complex interpersonal dynamics and fostering a culture of empathy and understanding. Wiley's Agile EQ on Catalyst offers an innovative approach to developing emotional agility, empowering individuals to respond to various social and emotional situations with flexibility and awareness. Central to this learning experience is the Effort Meter, a unique tool designed to guide learners in recognizing and adapting their emotional responses effectively. Effort Meter The Effort Meter concept in Agile EQ on Catalyst is ingeniously simple yet profoundly impactful. It serves as a ...
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Connection is the Essence of Leadership

In the realm of leadership, connection is the lifeblood that fuels high-performing teams and creates environments where innovation thrives. Brené Brown's poignant observation that "Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued—when they can give and receive without judgment" encapsulates the essence of what it means to lead with heart and impact. As a leadership coach dedicated to nurturing these connections, I've found that integrating the principles of Everything DiSC® with Brene’s philosophy on leadership and vulnerability opens a powerful pathway for leaders to grow. The Power of Seeing and Being Seen ...
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Navigating Change: Uncover Your Team’s Hidden Strengths

"The only constant in life is change." - Greek philosopher Heraclitus This timeless truth resonates deeply within the professional world. However, the way we meet and manage change can differ vastly from one person to another, influenced by our unique personalities and behavioral styles. Within the framework of Wiley's Everything DiSC®, these differences become not just understandable but also valuable. Understanding DiSC Styles Everything DiSC® categorizes behavioral styles into four primary dimensions: Dominance (D), Influence (i), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). Each of these styles responds to change in its own unique way: 'D' styles: Individuals with a 'D' style ...
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Tammy Krings, leadership coach and Everything DiSC facilitator Walking down sidewalk full of live

Inside my word of the Year 2024

That's just the way it is…what you focus on becomes reality and becomes you.  After creating a word of the year for the last 15 years, I've come to realize that it's this anchor that keeps me centered when my world is frantic.  It's my reminder of who I want to be and who I want to become.  And, it allows me to ground myself and remind myself where I most want to grow. now,  I realize Word of the Year is not for everyone. We have many options for how we want to restart, refresh, and reset for the ...
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Tammy Krings teaching Everything DiSC Course

Kicking Off the New Year with a Connected Team and Embracing Change

Embracing Connection and Change: A New Year's Journey with Everything DiSC As we step into this new year, it’s filled with the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings. It’s a time to reflect, reset, and reconnect. For me, the turn of the year is always a moment of introspection and anticipation, an opportunity to embrace both the known and the unknown with equal fervor. One of the most beautiful aspects of this time of year is the chance it gives us to strengthen our connections with those around us, particularly within our teams. Since we’ve been teaching Everything DiSC ...
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Remote Not Distant Book by Razzetti

Five Quotes for Leaders to Reflect on from Gustavus Razzetti’s Remote, Not Distant Book

Culture is a tricky thing. Some of our best work with our clients and partners is getting into the messiness that is organizational culture. In Remote, Not Distant, author Gustavo Razzetti recognizes that we as a collective have gone through another big change - remote and hybrid work.  For most of us, “water cooler” or over-the-cubicle-walls conversations just don’t happen often - or even at all anymore. But that’s a small change in the larger project of building and maintaining culture in a hybrid environment. Here are some quotes from Remote, Not Distant that we think highlight some of the ...
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Off-boarding and Onboarding

Why saying farewell is as important as saying hello. Off-boarding is just an important as onboarding, but what does it look like to truly off-board? Last month, we celebrated our team member Kait as she transitioned into another organization. Kait came on board just 18 months ago to help us set processes and structures in place to continue adding high-quality programs and sound processes for our clients. What I recall about Kait when she came on board was equally important as what I recall about sending Kait off. It made me think about just what we are doing to celebrate ...
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Tammy Krings writing in her journal working on her leadership health

Leadership Health: 7 Ways to Assess and Cultivate a Healthier Leader Lifestyle

Effective leadership is not just about making strategic decisions; it's about fostering a culture of growth, collaboration, and empowerment within your team. Just as a doctor assesses vital signs to gauge overall health, leaders must regularly take the pulse on their Leadership Health to ensure they are on the path to success. In this blog post, we will explore seven practical ways to assess your leadership health, effectiveness and provide insights on making positive changes for a healthier and more impactful leader lifestyle. 1. Self-Reflection and Journaling: This is still my #1 practice. If I can pause, reflect and journal ...
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Family have conversation during dinner

Imagine If Your Conversations Changed The Way Your Children Teamed – Both Now And In The Future

Your children listen to everything you talk about. And they understand a lot of the conversation, whether you believe it or not. Your children know how you feel about work, your past, coworkers and your boss. If it’s discussed at the dinner table, they hear and they know. Does it affect how they see things? During one of our summer travels, my husband & I enjoyed an amazing dinner out at a local Kansas City BBQ joint. As we settled in, the group next to us began replaying a bad meeting with incompetent teammates. Within 90 minutes, they created a ...
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